At the main entry vestibule tall custom sconces illuminate the two story circular room. These fixtures introduce the idea of rounded diffusing planar forms that continues throughout the building.
A special proceedings court room makes use of extra height with a central cove and a large version of the court chandelier for dramatic effect.
At courtroom floors smaller sconces and downlights illuminate the single story lobbies.
A three story lobby with tall chandeliers serves as the entrance to the magistrate court rooms.
A typical district court room distributes four chandeliers around the space to emphasize the participation of all parties.
The magistrate court rooms use circular indirect coves instead of chandeliers for fill light and focus.
Carl B.Stokes United States Court House Interior Lighting
A palette of themed custom fixtures support an architectural idea of dignified and dramatic spaces. Fluted and painted glass diffusers create decorative sparkle in elegant interiors. These diffuse sources and architectural coves supply fill light to complement fluorescent downlighting, which provides basic direct illumination with good glare control. The custom system is modular in concept, adaptable to sconces or chandeliers, can change scale to suit the space, is economical, and uses efficient fluorescent sources which can be dimmed in the courtrooms.